Answering Money Questions

Educating and empowering you to own your finances by answering money questions!

Tag: bonds

  • Should I invest money in stocks outside my 401(k)?

    Should I invest money in stocks outside my 401(k)?

    Should I invest money (outside of a 401(k)) in stocks instead of savings accounts? If so, how much? tl;dr: Yes, after you have an emergency fund, and you’ve set aside cash for large upcoming (within 5-ish years) expenditures like a new car, kids’ braces, college, or a home project. Basically, you want to meet your…

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  • What’s the Best Way to Save For Retirement?

    What’s the Best Way to Save For Retirement?

    There are two aspects to saving for retirement – DOING IT, and DOING IT CONSISTENTLY. The rest is gravy. TL;DR: Your target savings rate for retirement is 15% of your pretax salary (including your employer’s match, if you have one). Keep your life simple by utilizing your employer’s retirement plan (contribute as much as required…

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